Secret of Mana Plus 2.0 available

Classic Secret of Mana but longer!

Have you ever felt like some parts of Secret of Mana were a little rushed? Well, Secret of Mana Plus intends to correct it by adding new content to the original game.

The extended/added chapters are:

  • The Wind Palace: explore this new dungeon and stop the Empire invasion.
  • The Empire overworld: travel between Southtown and Northtown on a dangerous new road.
  • The Gold Tower: face extra adversities to obtain the key and climb the added levels.
  • The Moon Palace: a mysterious presence awaits you in the new depths of this eerie place.
  • Weapon orbs side quests: 8 new weapon orbs have been hidden throughout the world for more powerful weapons.

These new adventures feature:

  • Additional monsters and bosses: new versions of vanilla enemies with their own stats/spells/colors…
  • Cutscenes: The new maps are integrated into the main story and add new plot points through numerous cutscenes.

Besides this additional content, the core game remains unchanged.

This hack also includes enhancement hacks by other talented creators:

  • Max consumable count increased from 4 to 7 (by Moppleton)
  • Allow allies to leave the edge of the screen (by Moppleton and zhaDe)
  • Elemental melee damage and enemy species damage(by Moppleton)
  • Spell grinding speed-up hack (x2) (by Kethinov)
  • Improved screen scrolling for better visibility when moving around (by Binarynova, zhaDe and Queue)
  • Kettle Kin chainsaw restoration (by Queue)
  • Title screen image restoration (by Queue)
    (see read me for description)


EDIT: Save files are not compatible between version 1 and 2 of the hack.
Version 2.01 fix a minor bug of the equipment menu.


  1. This is awesome! Any chance any of the turbo hacks might become optional or are they already compatible? Like using magic outside of menu. Thanks for the hard work!

    • Thank you! Turbo hacks are not compatible at the moment. To make both hacks compatible, I’d need Turbo’s creator (Queue) to add Plus to his patcher. Sadly he doesn’t have time for that huge task. Though Queue allowed me to use some of his hacks such as chainsaw Kettle Kin and the JP title screen image. I might consider making a patch with a selection of turbo hacks in the future.

  2. Do you know whether I’d be able to use the Variable Width Font hack alongside this? And, if so, what order should I apply the patches? Thank you!

  3. I’m excited to try this, I just started on the previous version of this and I’m glad I get to do this updated version now.

    • Be careful, the save files are not compatible between versions, it will change your weapon inventory. I had to shift every weapon to add the upgrades for the new weapon orbs in version 2.0.

  4. It’d be nice if there was some kind of guide for the new content such as the quests. I can’t figure out what the solution is to finding the woman who moved from kakkara to the empire, i’ve scoured northtown and southtown multiple times now.

  5. This is pretty Awesome. It’s really cool how the game has been expanded.Nice work!

    Do you plan to make it work on Canoe (Snes Mini). I mean it runs on Canoe, but there was never a Gamma Patch for the US Version of Secret of Mana so you have a bright screen in the Menu.

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